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School of Young Scientists



  2.  The Council of Young Scientists and Talented Youth Scientific Creativity at the University is a public organization of young scientists, which unites young people engaged in research and creativity.  To improve the quality of education by continuing the traditions of existing scientific schools and creating new scientific schools, supporting the scientific and creative activities of young scientists at the professional and social levels, the development of fundamental, applied and innovative research at the university  and thus to ensure the sustainable development of scientific training and to assist in the promotion of the creative achievements of young scientists.
  3.  The University Council of Young Scientists and Talented Youth (hereinafter referred to as the Council) is a non-governmental organization of young scientists, young professionals, basic doctoral students and independent researchers (hereinafter - young scientists).
  4.  The Council will use all its resources to promote the creative activity of young scientists, their professional development, to find scientific solutions to important scientific and practical problems in the socio-economic development of the country.  Provides material and moral support to young researchers, helps them to fully realize their potential and opportunities.
  5.  The activity of the Council is determined by the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law "On Education" and other laws, the National Program of Personnel Training of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan, orders, decisions of the Ministry of Secondary Special Education, orders and instructions of the rector of the university and in accordance with this Regulation.
  6.  The council reports to the university.


  1.  The main purpose of the Council is to systematically direct the research activities of young people in the higher education system, to continue the traditions of existing scientific schools and create a basis for the formation of new scientific schools, to organize scientific and creative activities of young scientists.  to unite young people regularly engaged in research on the basis of consistent development of the integration of science, education and industry, to support their interests in their specialties and social spheres, thus ensuring the sustainable training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel  to promote development.
  2.  Involvement of young scientists in scientific activities in fundamental, practical and innovative areas  are relevant to the science of the country, contributing to the sustainable development of our national economy, the spirituality and culture of our people.
  3. Participate in the organization and conduct of research in the priority areas of science of the Republic of Uzbekistan through the activities of young scientists and the formation of a teacher-student system
  4. To develop and strengthen cooperation between higher education institutions and research institutions of the Academy of Sciences for the exchange of experience, to strengthen the creative activity of young scientists, to assist in holding scientific conferences and seminars.
  5.  Summarize and apply the results of research work of young scientists, search for new forms and take the initiative in the implementation of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the activities of higher education institutions.
  6.  Planning and providing support to young scientists to participate in scientific conferences.
  7. Organize active international cooperation of young scientists with leading research centers and foreign colleagues at the university, establish scientific cooperation with leading research centers and institutions of foreign countries, conduct joint research, scientific schools, conferences, seminars, etc.  assistance in participation in scientific events, publication of articles in foreign countries.
  8.  Regularly organize and conduct competitions for young scientists, ensure their participation in state grants, foreign grants and economic agreements, present their work for awards, publish the best and priority research results for the country and  to promote.
  9.  Recommendations to encourage young scientists who have achieved high results in their careers.
  10.  Provide practical assistance in conducting research on unique equipment.
  11.  Collect and disseminate information on grant organizations that support the activities of young scientists.



  1. The council consists of 23-27 members and is approved by the order of the rector of the university.
  2.  The Chairman and Secretary of the Council are elected from among the young scholars of the University on a community basis by the Council for a term of up to 2 years.
  3.  The Council shall meet at least once a month.  The decision is made by open voting.  Voting is valid for at least two-thirds of the members of the Council.
  4.  In the period between the meetings of the Council, the composition of the Secretariat of the Council (consisting of the Chairman, his deputies and the Secretary) shall resolve urgent issues related to its activities.
  5.  Council Chairman:

 - Is an official representative of the Council, organizes and manages all the work of the Council within its competence, interacts with other organizations of the Council, signs documents related to the activities of the Council;

 -Decides on the time and agenda of the Board meetings;

 -On behalf of the Council, the university defends the demands and wishes of young scientists;

 - The Chairman of the Board reports to the Board on the work done for at least one year;

 - The goals and objectives, the implementation of the work plan - the university reports quarterly on the general activities at the meeting of the Academic Council.

6.  Based on the results of the annual report, the Council has the right to terminate its powers and elect a new chairman.

7.  The decision to terminate the powers of the Chairman shall be made by secret ballot if at least one third of the members propose to terminate the activities and at least two thirds of the members vote in favor.

8.  The Chairman of the Council shall be the Deputy Chairman of the Council during his business trip, illness or vacation.

9.  The chairman and secretary of the Council of Scientific Creativity of Young Scientists and Talented Youth were financially and spiritually encouraged by the higher education institution;


 In its work:

- develops and approves its work plans for the current year, listens to information on their implementation.  The Council approves the plans of events, scientific conferences, seminars, if necessary, the composition of its Organizing Committee for the current year, hears information on the process of preparation and conduct of events.

-  make proposals to the Academic Council of the University on the reserve of leading personnel from young scientists who have made significant achievements in research and are socially active;

-  Coordinates the activities of councils of young scientists;

-  Organizes and conducts competitions for young scientists;

-  Makes proposals for sending young scientists abroad to improve their scientific experience and skills, and to participate in international scientific conferences;

 - Listens to the information of young professionals who have completed internships in foreign centers and institutions at the meetings of the Council;

-  Makes proposals for awarding and publishing the best works of young scientists;

-  disseminates information about its activities and the various achievements and results of young scientists of the university;

 The University Council will make proposals on the following issues:

 - Awarding of basic doctoral students and independent researchers and young professionals for high performance in scientific work;

 - financial support for basic doctoral students and independent researchers and other young scientists;

 - to create the necessary conditions for basic doctoral students and independent researchers and young scientists to carry out research activities at the required level;

 - On the employment of young scientists who have successfully completed the course and defended their dissertations.


2.  Board Member Rights:

 -Members of the Council have equal rights and obligations and enjoy these rights and obligations on an equal footing.

 - Participate in the meetings of the Council, submit to the Ministry substantiated proposals on the activities of the Council;

2.  Responsibilities of a Board Member:

 - Timely and quality implementation of decisions, obligations and assignments related to the activities of the Council;

 - Conscientious, active and creative performance of tasks and responsibilities related to the activities of the Council, voluntarily assumed;

3.  Membership in the Council is suspended in the following cases:

 - when a young scientist resigns from university;

 - In accordance with the relevant decision of the Board meeting;

 -uz application;

 by age.

  1.  Assist doctoral students, basic doctoral students, independent researchers and young scientists in the organization and planning of research work, assist them in creating appropriate conditions for successful research, protect their interests within the scope of their authority.
  2.  Timely informing the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the university administration about the problems in the research activities of young scientists and specialists, doctoral students, basic doctoral students, independent researchers and the solution of this problem  Make suggestions to management.
  3.  To assist doctoral students and independent researchers and young scientists in implementing the results of their research and to prepare relevant proposals.



  1. The Council shall carry out its work in accordance with the annual plan adopted at the meeting of the Council and approved by the Chairman of the Council.
  2.  Meetings, gatherings and other events of the Council shall be formalized by a protocol signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Council.
  3.  Registration of documents of the Council is carried out by the Secretary of the Council.
  4. Control over the implementation of the adopted decisions is carried out by the Chairman of the Council.


 Amendments and additions to the Statute shall be made by the Council and adopted by open voting at the general meeting attended by 2/3 of the members of the Council.  A decision to amend and supplement the Charter shall be deemed adopted when 2/3 of the members of the Council present at the General Meeting vote in favor of amendments and additions to the Charter.


 Reorganization or termination of the Council is carried out in accordance with the decision (order) of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.